Boston Township
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History by the Minutes

Township Minutes Reviewed, 1811 through 1934

The following is an annotated overview of the Township Books of Record, 1811-1934. As well as the minutes of meetings, the Books of Records contain lists of heads of households, proceedings of the Overseers of the Poor, highway districts, school districts, cattle earmarks, quarantine notices, township accounts, papers of indenture, and more. There are cross references to continuing information on other pages and notations of the present location or identity of buildings and roads.

- Randy Bergdorf
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see also: Minutes of trustee meetings since 1811

Boston Township Books of Record
Book A
Proceedings January 15, 1811 to April 2, 1838.
Other Material to 1852.

Page 1 January 15, 1811
Organizational meeting of the Township at the house of Timothy Bishop. Election of Aaron Miller, Andrew Johnston and Timothy Bishop as Trustees.

Page 33-35 March 25, 1826
Division into School Districts (6). List of heads of households.

Page 50-52 July 25, 1829
Re-organization of School Districts (5). List of heads of households.

Page 54-55 January 26, 1830
Alteration of School Districts 2 and 3.

Page 66-67 June 19, 1830
Alteration of School Districts 2 and 3.

Page 80 November 3, 1832
School District #6.

Page 95 March 2, 1935
Division of Road Districts (7).

Page 108 April 16, 1836
Tax Levy (1 mill on the dollar) and to appropriate for road work to be done.

Page 111 March 16, 1837
Alteration of School Districts.

Page 120 March 3, 1838
Formation of School District #8.

Page 124 April 12, 1838
Tax Levy (4 mills on the dollar).

Page 132 March 4, 1839
Formation of Road District #10. Alteration of School Districts.

Page 134 April 10, 1839
Tax Levy (3 mills on the dollar).
Page 139 June 11, 1846
Indenture of apprenticeship of Charles Felton.

Page 140 March 21, 1846
Conger and Jackson Road survey.

Page 181 March 23, 1814 to August 16, 1838
Proceedings of the Overseers of the Poor.

Page 203 May 1, 1813 to June 4, 1839
Township accounts.

Page 244 1838 to 1839
Notices of stray cattle.

Page 246 1834
Highway districts.

Page 252 January 15, 1814 to August 17, 1839
Certificates of Commission for Justices of the Peace.

Page 258 January 29, 1811 to May 29, 1852
Cattle earmarks for the Township of Boston.

Boston Township Books of Record
Book B
Proceedings April 1, 1839 to April 15, 1863.

Page 3 April 6, 1839
Three mill tax levy.

Page 7 April 10, 1839
Establish a road from the southeast corner of Lot 53 in Northampton north to the road on the east side of the river in Boston.

Page 20 June 23, 1840
Indenture of Sara Leslie to John Daily.

Page 24 March 2, 1841
Alteration of school districts; formation of District #9.

Page 36 March 12, 1841
Indenture of Helen Hayes.

Page 38-40 October 15, 1841
Petition to form new school districts with parts of Boston and Hudson Townships.

Page 48 November 30, 1841
Formation of school district with Northfield and Boston Townships at Brandywine Mills.

Page 59 August 8, 1843
Indenture of Jerome Wilson to Jerome Field.

Page 94-95 1845
Military roll of Boston Township [Mexican War?].

Page 100 April 16, 1845
3 ½ mill tax levied for township purposes.

Page 112 April 15, 1846
No taxes levied for the year.

Page 118 November 16, 1846
Indenture of apprenticeship of William J. Whitehead to Thomas Kelley.

Page 131 June 15, 1847
Division of “Township Line Road” with Richfield.

Page 134 January 31, 1848
Alteration of District 11 in Richfield and District 8 in Boston.

Page 134 February 29, 1848
Alteration of Boston/Hudson District—lots to Stow.

Page 135 February 22, 1848
Alteration of Districts with Richfield due to attachment of Lot 7 in Richfield to Boston.

Page 149-150 July 5, 1848
Alteration of Districts of Hudson.

Page 183 August 28, 1850
Indenture of William Spencer to Henry Post. (Voided September 20, 1851, page 195.)

Page 184 January 10, 1851
Bond between Robert Brannon and Township to cover costs of his daughter’s illegitimate child.

Page 194 April 9, 1851
Indenture of Saloma B. Hines to Wm. M. Foster.

Page 200 March 22, 1852
Alteration of school districts with Boston, Hudson, Northfield, Twinsburg.

Page 280 April 6, 1857
Vote for a town hall: 134 votes.

Page 285 May 23, 1857
Trustees levied a tax of $20.00 for township purposes and two mills on the dollar valuation to build a Town Hall. [This is the stone building on the corner of Akron Peninsula and Route 303.]

Page 286-288 May 26 to September 29, 1857
Plot of what is now known as Truxell Road.

Page 289 January 19, 1858
Survey to determine the southwest corner of Boston Township and southeast corner of Richfield Township.

Page 290 March 1, 1858
Town Hall tax netted $720.18.

Pages 302-304 October 14, 1857 and April 29, 1858
Appeal on location of Township Road (now known as Truxell). Relocated portion of the road slightly north.

Page 303 May 28, 1858
Continuation of levy for Town Hall—2 mills on a dollar valuation.

Page 314 May 21, 1859
Levy for Town Hall lowered to 1 ½ mills.

Page 320 May 12, 1860
Trustees appropriated balance due on a vote against G. F. Haskell to build a fence around the Town Hall, provided the Board of Education of the Village of Peninsula will make the necessary appropriation to complete said fence. Levied a tax of $100 for Town Hall purposes.

Page 353 1861 (Civil War)
List of names of volunteers from Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio.

Boston Township Books of Record
Book C
Proceedings March 2, 1863 to December 28, 1908.

Page 1 March 2, 1863
Alteration of Road Districts.

Page 26-27 November 21, 1864
Relocation of the west end of what’s now known as Truxell Road.

Page 29 August 26, 1864
Bank loan for $1,800.00 secured from the First National Bank of Akron for bounty to fill the quota of Boston Township (Civil War). This happened on numerous occasions. See also:
Page 35 April 22, 1865
Page 41 February 17, 1866
Page 49 May 14, 1866
Page 51-52 March 4, 1867

Page 38-40 April 28, 1864
Petition to establish a road on the west side of Olde Eight Road to the upper Part of Akron-Peninsula Road.

Page 40 1865-1866
State Road Cemetery (Boston Heights Fairview Cemetery) laid off into lots.

Page 48 May 12, 1866
Petition to vacate road from State Road to Akron-Peninsula Road (on Geoppert’s land, through Lots 11 and 26).

Page 54 April 12, 1867
Amendment proposed to “an act for the incorporation of Township” from March 14, 1853. Lawson Waterman and Reuben G. Bishop appointed to fill offices of Trustees until successors are elected.

Page 60 May 4, 1867
Trustees decide to allow town council of Peninsula to take charge of roads within corporation limit.

Page 61 March 16, 1868
Redistricting of Road Districts.

Page 73 March 4, 1869
Petition to decrease the number of Justices of the Peace from three to two. Decision by Summit County Probate Court.

Page 97 June 11, 1870
At a joint meeting of Boston Township Trustees and Peninsula Village Council, various lands were annexed to the Village for road purposes (lands both east and west of the Village along Route 303). Rescinded: Page 117, May 2, 1874,

Page 98 November, 1870
Resolution to lay a stone walk and side walk on the north frontage of the Town Hall lot.

Page 98 March 23, 1872
At a meeting of Trustees and Council, a resolution passed to detach lands north of the south line of lot 6 from the Village to the Township for road purposes only.

Page 101 April 7, 1871
Levies imposed, including 1 mill for Town Hall purposes.

Page 102 April 10, 1871
Meeting held in West Schoolhouse in the Village of Peninsula for the purpose of settling the matter of the hearse purchased. Hearse fund and subscription lists turned over from L. Beers to the Township and the Township takes charge of the Hearse and Hearse House.

Page 103 April 29, 1871
Levy of $200.00 for Town Hall purposes.

Page 107 April 8, 1872
Levies imposed, including $600.00 for Cemetery purposes.

Page 110 June 6, 1873
L. Beers paid $40.00 for fencing grave yard.

Page 121 March 1, 1875
Alteration of Road Districts.

Page 122 March 1, 1875
Notices to dealers in liquor traffic (Daniel Peck, Lyman Broughton, Andrew Cassidy, Charles F. Miles, Lawrence Duffee, George Whitlam, and any others) not to supply certain listed parties with spirituous liquor.
Notices repeated periodically. See also March 1, 1876, August 23, 1877, August 22, 1878, December 14, 1878, January 1, 1886.

Page 137 September 12, 1877
Agreement between Boston Township Board of Education and James and Maria Ferguson for lease of 1¼ acre lot in Lot 11 for purposes of drilling a well for the school.

Page 144 June 1, 1879
Contract let to S. S. Piper of Cleveland for construction of vault in Cedar Grove Cemetery. A. Hochler, architect. To be finished September 15, 1879 for cost of $1,425.00. (W. S. Forrester is partner of A. S. Piper.)

Page 153-154 May 14, 1880
Alteration of Road Districts.

Page 167 October 3, 1881
Dedication of Mill Street in Peninsula as County Road (over the railroad, river and canal).

Page 174 November 8, 1881
Dedication of Everett Road west of Wheatley Road to the Township line.

Page 193 June 13, 1884
Deed to school lot in sub-district #1 from Alfred Wolcott (North of Boston Mills on Olde Eight Road).

Page 194 November 4, 1884
Results of Presidential election.

Page 195 November 17, 1884
Notice to Streetsboro Township Trustees to tend to incurably insane resident of their Township now staying in Boston.

Page 207 June 9, 1886
Relief for indigent soldiers.

Page 212 July 22, 1886
Transfer of stone quarried from Wadhams Brothers to Jerome Schonover.

Page 213 October 17, 1886
Dedication of Quick Road as a County road.

Page 214 May 8, 1886 and January 5, 1887
Transfer of rights and property of Wadhams family.

Page 223-224 April 9, 1887
Notice of illegal voting for Road Superintendent in District No. 13.

Page 227 March 5, 1888 Bill to J. Treat for burial of dead horse. (Payment received Page 232, April 25, 1888). Page 232-235 June 2, 1888
Petition of 76 voters to put “Local Option” (sale of alcohol in the Township) of the ballot of June 23, 1888. Against the sale: 47. For the sale: 44.

Page 235 June 25, 26, 1888
Page 259 April 16, 1890
Page 260 May 19, 1890
Page 261 June 4, 1890
Page 286 June 20, 1892
Page 296 May 31, 1892
Page 297 May 23, 1893
Record of stud services between various township residents.

Page 262-4 July 8, 1890
Page 288 June 28, 1892
Page 295 April 13, 1893
Page 332 February 10, 1896
Sale of cemetery lots in Peninsula Cemetery.

Page 285 April 9, 1892
Levies imposed: Road tax, 1 mill Township, ½ mill Poor fund, 1 mill Town hall, ¼ mill Grove yard, ½ mill.

Page 285 May 11, 1892
Order of tile placed to Mishler Bros (Ravenna) for cemetery, which was being surveyed. (Boston Village?)

Page 289 March 1, 1893
Objection to certain “healthy” persons receiving soldiers relief.

Page 298-9 June 8, 1893
Page 304 October 21, 1893
Page 315 June 15, 1894
Record of stud services between various township residents.

Page 300-2 August 5, 1893
Special meeting to establish Township Board of Health with provisions for disease control, disposal of corpses, production of agricultural products.

Page 305 December 18, 1893
Order for vaccination of school children. Proof of small pox vaccination before attending school.

Page 318 January 3. 1895
Agreement between Mrs. A. J. Sutliff and M. J. Cranmer for sale of interests in partnership.

Page 318 December 3, 1894
Bill of sale of furniture between Mrs. Charles Kemmerling and F. W. Petersen.

Page 331 December 28, 1895
Quarantine of Nathaniel Point house.

Page 336 April 11, 1896
Petition to have election to decide sale of liquor. (63 signatures.)

Page 338 May 25, 1896
Township voted dry, 36 to 34.

Page 334 October 20, 1896
House of Richard Bower quarantined for diphtheria.

Page 345 November 27, 1897
Houses of James Sullivan and W. Phillips quarantined for diphtheria.

Page 350 May 29, 1897
Rules governing Peninsula Cemetery Association and use of vault. Residents pay $1.00; non-residents pay $2.00.

Page 351 January 27 and 29, 1898
Permission granted to move remains of Jane Meirs, Will Davis, and Chamberlin family from the Everett Cemetery to the Cedar Grove Cemetery.

Page 361 August 20, 1898
Appointment of J. M. Wicks as Truant Officer.

Page 363 January 19, 1899
Quarantine of house of Frank Horner for diphtheria.

Page 374 April 3, 1899
Election returns for new county court house and jail, Peninsula Council, etc.

Page 377 November 20, 1899
Notice from Peninsula Village about construction of sidewalks on east side of Locust Street.

Page 382 February 9, 1900
Quarantine of D. Werneke’s house for scarlet fever.

Page 386 July 10 to August 16, 1900
Quarantine of A. Lawler’s house for smallpox.

Page 388 August 18, 1900
Petition for election of liquor sales in township. 82 signatures. Page 390: 100 votes against, 32 for.

Page 391 November 10, 1900
Page 401 August 24, 1901
Page 426 June 29, 1903
Sale of cemetery lots.

Page 400 August 24, 1901
Letter to Northern Ohio Traction & Light to stop obstructing Highland Springs crossing by throwing milk cans in the way.

Page 402 July 20, 1901
Notices sent to Perrey Hardy at Everett to cut noxious weeds.

Page 410-11 March 19 to 23, 1902
Page 413 April 24, 1902
Quarantine of William Brady, Sr. house in Boston for diphtheria.

Page 414 June 11, 1902
Quarantine Charles Baxter’s house in Everett for small pox.

Page 445 1905
Meeting date set as first Monday of the month at 7 pm.

Page 453-4 June 5, 1905
Notice to NOTL to stop obstructing road right of way at Boston Miller’s Corners and Boston Ledges with debris from NOTL right of way.

Page 457 September 2, 1905
Right of way to Buckeye Pipe Line Co. to install lines in Boston Township road right of ways.

Page 459 October 2, 1905
Request of Fairview Cemetery Association for money for a fence. First money since November 10, 1904.

Page 467 April 2, 1906
No meeting due to lack of quorum.

Page 468 May 7, 1906
Approval to lay water line from Miller’s Corners to Boston Village.

Page 469 May 28, 1906
Quarantine of house of George Worley in Boston for scarlet fever.

Page 476 December 1, 1906
Quarantine of house of George Wearley in Boston for scarlet fever. Also page 479, December 31, 1906.

Page 479 Deember 31, 1906
Division of township into two road districts, from thirtee.

Page 484 March 4, 1907
Cleveland Akron Bag Company proposed to sell waste ashes and cinders to Boston Township for roads.

Page 488 May 6, 1907
Quarantine of Duncan family on Mackey farm for small pox. Also page 492, June 3, 1907.

Page 494 July 1, 1907
Page 497 September 2, 1907
Discussion of persons not performing required road duties.

Page 496 August 5, 1907
Page 498 September 2, 1907
Discussion of noxious weeks on Perry Hardy’s lot in Everett.

Page 501 November 4, 1907
Petition from eleven residents to install a footwalk from the east side of the Ohio Canal to the school house in Boston.

Page 506 January 1, 1908
Sold cemetery lots 1 to 72 to Clement l. Lindley.

Page 508 February 26, 1908
Page 510 March 16, 1908
Quarantine house of Mrs. Dillenhoffer of Boston Ledges for scarlet fever.

Page 525 December 18, 1908
Purchase of tickets to return indigent family to West Virginia.

Page 560-8 1888-1905
Soldiers’ Relief Fund accounts.

Boston Township Books of Record
Book D
Proceedings February 1, 1909 to November 27, 1920.

Page 33
Wicks Hill

Page 39
Fish Hill
Page 82
Brewery Road

Page 68
Butler Hill

Page 72
Slaughter House Hill west of Everett

Page 2 February 1, 1909
Refusal of Trustees to pay bill of Dr. F. M. Hughes for care of Helen Henderson.

Page 10 June 17, 1909
Agreement with Summit County and Peninsula to share costs of grading Wood’s Hill.

Page 22 February 8, 1910
Mention of a new piece of road north of Everett post office.

Page 27 July 1, 1910
Notice of destitution and quarantine of home of Mrs. L. Sweet for scarlet fever.

Page 29 July 21, 1910
Notification of noxious weeds on lands of Perry Hardy, deceased, at Everett.

Page 30 August 1, 1910
Water pipe ordered to run line to water trough between Peninsula and Boston at south line of James Cassidy’s farm.

Page 33 October 4, 1910
Destitution of John Metcalf family who was sick with typhoid fever.

Page 34 November 4, 1910
Circulation of petition against annexation of lands to Macedonia Village. Also notice of unknown man being killed near Everett Station.

Page 39 December 26, 1910
Division of Road District #1 into two parts, District #1 and District #3.

Page 44 March 11, 1911
Transfer of Township accounts from National City Bank to Peninsula Banking Company.

Page 45 April 1, 1911
Payment to Northfield Township for portion of bill in Macedonia annexation hearing.

Page 51 August 1, 1911
New road (Walter Road) proposed to run parallel to Hudson-Boston line from Highland Springs Road north to Northfield.

Page 58 December 5, 1911
Proposal from Northfield Township to share in cost of paving State Road with bricks. Also:
Page 60 December 26,, 1911
Page 62 January 2, 1912

Page 81 May 5, 1913
Wall along east side of the river at Boston broken, damage resulting.
Page 84 July 7, 1913
Notification sent to Cleveland Akron Bag Co. to repair the road at Boston which was washed away when their dam broke during the flood.

Page 105 October 5, 1914
Also page 109, January 4, 1915. Petition from Herb Bigelow for paving of road from West Richfield to Chittenden’s Corners.

Page 114 May 24, 1915
Agreement with Richfield Township for maintenance of Major and Scobie Roads.

Page 125 March 6, 1916
Township Hall insured for $1,500.00.

Page 138 February 5, 1917
Mayor E. B. Conger and Councilman H. E. Bigelow request township cooperating in building an improved road.

Page 139-40 March 5, 1917
Also page 153, January 7, 1918. Boston Township and Peninsula join tax duplicates for the purpose of special permanent road improvements. Also, first mention of the name “Boston Mills”.

Page 147 September 3, 1917
Petition from Harry Scobie to establish a signal device at the railroad crossing on Main Street in Peninsula.

Page 153 January 7, 1918
Township redivided into two Road Districts.

Page 161 June 3, 1918
Trustees to purchase wire netting for around the bandstand if band boys install.

Page 163 August 5, 1918
O. W. Davis states that the County Prosecutor supports his right to close the road that runs by his property.

Page 164-5 September 2 and 5, 1918
Purchase of new township hearse.

Page 170 December 28, 1918
Purchase of a Happy Farmer tractor from F. A. Bigelow & Son for $1,350.00.

Page 180 August 12, 1919
Petition signed by trustees to agree to pay part of cost to pave State Road (Akron-Cleveland Road) through the Township.

Page 182 October 25, 1919
Township to notify the County that bridges in Boston need replaced.

Page 183 December 1, 1919
Notification to State Board of Health of the discharge of sewage into the Cuyahoga River by the City of Akron.

Page 187 January 20, 1920
Meeting for the purpose of deciding improvements to Oak Hill Road. Also, notice that electricity would be installed by NOTL from the Hudson Township line to Peninsula Village line on 303.

Page 188 January 31, 1920
Meeting held at Peninsula Banking Co. offices.

Page 193 May 29, 1920
Purchase of a Dump Wagen for $100.00. Also, loan of $450.00 from Peninsula Banking Company.

Page 195-6 July 31 and August 28, 1920
Notice sent to the County Commissioners to replace planks on bridge at Jocker’s below Boston.

Page 202-280 January 1, 1909 to December 30, 1912
Detailed statement of receipts and expenditures.

Boston Township Books of Record
Book E
Proceedings December 24, 1920 to February 1, 1934.

Page 1-2 December 24, 1920 and January 29, 1921
Petition to the Trustees to gravel the Robinson/Point Road (Akron-Peninsula Road?)

Page 6 April 30, 1921
Loan from Peninsula Banking Co. for $1,000.00.

Page 7 May 28, 1921
Appointment of Margaret Conger as Justice of the Peace [first woman JP in Boston Township?].

Page 10 August 27, 1921
Resolution authorizing the Clerk of Boston Township to make application to the Probate Court of Summit County for the creation of the Akron Metropolitan Park District.

Page 16
Highland Springs Road, Terry Road.
Page 21 March 25, 1922
Purchased new Waterloo-Boy tractor from F. A. Bigelow for $600.00 above trade in.

Page 32 January 27, 1923
The covered bridge at Boston Mills was reported unsafe and was posted with notices.

Page 38-48 July 28, 1923
August 4, 1923
August 25, 1923
September 29, 1923
October 18, 1923
Petition by residents to for the Village of Boston Heights. Originally rejected by the Trustees because of inadequate maps. A special election was held October 11, 1923 at Miller’s Corners in the school house. Result of the vote was 87 for incorporation, 12 against.

Page 55 February 14, 1924
Results of the February 5th special election for officers of Boston Heights Village.

Page 63 June 2, 1924
Probate Court ordered the Township to pay a share of the Township general and road funds to Boston Heights Village.

Page 65 July 7, 1924
Request to County Commissioners to repair roads damaged during the storm of June 28, 1924.

Page 71 October 6, 1924
Mention of Brewery Hill Road, Ritchie Road, Mr. Kendall and dangerous conditions on Boston Mills Hines Road.

Page 75 February 9, 1925
Notice from Probate Court of Clerk being cited for contempt for not having divided funds with Boston Heights.

Page 85 October 5, 1925
Page 87-88 November 28, 1925
Mention of A. A. Stambaugh and cindering of Peninsula-Steele’s Corners Road (Quick Road).

Page 90 January 1, 1926
Meeting held at Bergdorf’s Meat Market.

Page 94 February 10, 1926
Annual appropriations.

Page 95 February 27, 1926
Notice sent to County Engineering Department that Boston Mill-Hines Road is in dangerous condition.

Page 103 & 105 July 26, 1926 and August 30, 1926
Agreement with Richfield Township Trustees to seek assistance to slag Oak Hill roads.

Page 105
Wyble detour road.

Page 108 November 29, 1926
Mention of Mr. Truxell asking for cinders on Truxell Road.

Page 111 January 19, 1927
1927 annual appropriations.

Page 116 February 27, 1927
Resolution against proposed law to abolish township offices and boards of education.

Page 123 July 25, 1927
Delegation from Boston requests aid in getting the County Commissioners to modify plans for the bridge being replaced in Boston.

Page 134-5 January 12, 1928
Annual appropriations, 1928.

Page 138 January 30, 1928
Page 144 April 24, 1928
Mr. Stambaugh requested improvements to Peninsula-Steel’s Corners Road (Quick Road).

Page 158-160 January 17, 1929
Appropriations, 1929.

Page 162 January 29, 1929
Page 167 April 30, 1929
Request of Boston residents to fill Main Street as damaged in the flood of 1913.
Page 166-7 April 30, 1929
Request of Ralph Price to share cost to install fence between cemetery and his home. Also, petition by Boston residents for separate voting precincts.

Page 172 July 22, 1929
Resolution to County Commissioners for improvement of Akron-Boston Mills Road (Riverview Road).

Page 173
Everett- Northampton Road also known as Butler Road.

Page 180-1 November 26, 1929
Repairs made to Oak Hill, Stine Road, Boston-Brandywine (Stanford), and Scobie Roads.

Page 186-8 January 13, 1930
Appropriations 1930.
Page 190-1 February 8 & February 24, 1930
First post-crash mention of feeding poor families. Groceries purchased at Stuart & Stebbins store. (Later pages show a distinct reduction in expenditures and levy rates.)

Page 204 January 19, 1931
1931 annual appropriations.

Page 206 January 26, 1931
Restrictions placed on expenses paid for poor relief, maternity cases and burials.

Page 209-210 April 27, 1931
Request to County Commissioners to improve [Boston Mills] Road from Boston to Hudson Township.

Page 222 November 30, 1931
Constable authorized to purchase a pair of handcuffs.

Page 224 December 14, 1931
First mortgages accepted by Trustees in lieu of personal bonds given by Peninsula Banking Co.

Page 228 January 23, 1932
1932 annual appropriations.

Page 232 February 29, 1932
Start of long lists of names receiving pay. Possibly locals working on roads in a New Deal program?

Page 234-5 March 28, 1932
Request to County Commissioner to improve Peninsula-Steele’s Corners Road (Quick Road).

Page 239 May 31, 1932
Postponement of March 28, 1932 account of the number of poor persons in Boston Township (possibly no money, or not able to tax to raise money).

Page 245 August 29, 1932
Resolution asking for assistance in moving the Soldiers’ Monument from the intersection of Riverview Road and 303.

Page 252 January 9, 1933
1933 appropriations.

Page 256 February 27, 1933
Peninsula Banking Co. restricted withdrawals such that no township bills can be paid.

Page 256 March 2, 1933
Distribution of milk to all relief patrons.

Page 261 May 9, 1933
Agreement to pay for tonsillectomy of resident of Boston.

Page 269 September
Charles L. Truxell appointed to secure rent payments for indigent families.

Page 276 January 26, 1934
1934 annual appropriations.